Thursday, September 16, 2010

Meet the Family...

OK, so since I am officially blogging now, I suppose I should take the time to introduce you to the people that I'll be talking about! :)

First and foremost, I will introduce myself!

I'm Audra Jimenez, I was born in Hialeah, Fl. I moved to Franklin, NC when I was 13. I moved up here with my best friend in the whole wide world, Jeni. (Side note: She still remains my best friend, we have known each other since 6th grade). After high school, I was working at the Dillard House in Dillard, Ga. That is where I met my wonderful husband, Josue. And well the rest is history!!

Secondly, I would like to introduce you to my better half, Josue Jimenez.


Josue is the cute on the right :)

Josue was born in Tulancingo, Hidalgo, Mexico. He came the United States when he was 14. His family moved to the tiny town of Dillard, Ga. (don't even ask how they found that little hole in the wall!) When he was 16, (yes, you read that right!) he started working at the Dillard House and that's where we met!

Last, but not least, I would like to introduce you to Andres Jimenez.

This is our son, Andres Jimenez. Andres came into this world on Father"s Day in 2003. He was born in Demorest, Ga. 

WARNING: the following comments may be biased!

Andres is one of the funniest little kids that you will ever meet! He has a heart of gold, I don't think the kid has a malicious bone in his body! This kid is the whole package, beauty and brains! He never meets a stranger. I think that he will make a great president one day!

Here goes nothing!

OK, so here goes nothing! I have been following several of my friends blogs for quite a while now. And finally decided to stick my toe in the blogging pool. I will more than likely only be able to blog a couple times a month, at least that's what I am shooting for! LoL But we will see how it goes. There are several reasons why I decided to start a blog.

    1. It is a great way to document my life, and my family's life. I think that it's so awesome how you
    can look back and see what has happened in the past few months. With my life in particular, I am so busy
    that it just seems to fly by!!

    2. I take all of these pictures and I never print them off anymore. I have thousands of pictures on my laptop
     and they do nothing but sit there and wait for me to look at them again. This way I can put a time, date       occasion, and happening on the photos! It creates a digital playbook of our lives together. And anyone that knows me, knows that a digital memory is so much better than my own!

But enough of that, I would like to personally introduce and welcome myself to blogging! And as I said before, here goes nothing!